Sign that marathon training has resumed... |
In summary:
Planned miles: 21
Completed miles: 21.8 plus 3 hours of Pure Barre and a few short walks with my dog, Roxy (not documented in the mileage)
Training highlight: Getting to take a Pure Barre class with my aunt who was visiting this weekend; runner-up: Rocking a 6 mile interval workout this afternoon and feeling excellent pretty much the entire time.
Favorite gear this week: It's a tie between...My blender (recovery smoothies in between double workouts were essential to keeping me going) and my foam roller (massage therapist identified that my IT band was tight before training even started so I REALLY REALLY need to make this my BFF in the coming days)
To Do Next Week: I probably need to order some more socks and continue stocking up on new/retiring my old sports bras. Laundry is a never-ending quest around here. I can't imagine if I had kids...
And the details:
Monday: Plan--5 miles "Regular Run"; Actual-- 5.1 miles, avg pace 10:13 (plus an untimed .5 w/u and c/d. Location: Lakeshore Greenway. Brutally hot and humid and I pretty much bargained with myself the entire time to keep going. Was supposed to be a progression run but once I dialed back, I couldn't find any "get up and go". So humid that my socks and shoes were actually "squishy" at the end and I took them off for the drive home!
Tuesday: Plan--5 miles "Regular Run"; Actual--5 miles, avg pace 10:17. After yesterday's soul crusher, I renewed my membership at the Rec so I could get access to the treadmill again! Better than outside but I'm pretty sure the gym's AC couldn't keep up today because my water bottle was "steamy" within the first half mile. Ran at prescribed pace (between 10:20 and 10:31) throughout the run and then finished the last .5 miles with progressive "kick" to the finish.
Went home for a quick outfit change and protein smoothie before hitting up a late (8pm) 1 hour Pure Barre class. LTB!
Wednesday: Plan--OFF; Actual--OFF. Wouldn't normally do this but had a medical exam on Thursday that prohibited working out for 24 hours prior. (I'm fine, just worth a bit more to Matt now in the event I die anytime soon...) Took advantage of this to get a needed manicure and catch up on laundry.
Thursday: Plan--4 miles run "As You Feel"; Actual--4 miles "AYF". I LOVE that this plan specifically sets workouts that are meant to be untimed/unpaced--hence the term "As You Feel". Not only is it mentally freeing but it also allows you to run with people who may not be at your training paces without feeling "guilty" (if that makes any sense). I don't normally (EVER) care about that but when in "training" I really do try to make the most of what I'm "supposed" to be doing. Met up with my close friend (and first running buddy dating back YEARS) Amy for a social run on Jemison trail (part technical, part paved). My runs with her are so good for the soul and I look forward to them always.
And like Tuesday, outfit change and protein smoothie before another 1 hour Pure Barre class.
Friday: Plan--OFF; Actual--1.7 miles EASY. Matt's idea to take one of our dogs (Bali) out for an easy run/walk while waiting for family to arrive. Would have been more but it started raining and there was no need to push this.
Saturday: Plan--"Flex Day"; Actual--1 hour Pure Barre. With Flex Days, the plan gives you mileage if you feel like running or leaves room for a day of cross training (XT) with no running. You can pretty much bet I'm always going to choose the XT option here.
Sunday: Plan--7 miles "long" run; Actual--6 miles Intervals (1.5 w/u @10:30, 6x800 with 1 minute rest between sets--2 @ 9:50, 2 @9:40, 2 @9:31, 1.5 c/d @10:30) own mental game got the better of me today. My aunt and I were supposed to run 5 of my 7 together and I kept waiting for her to wake up, but she opted to sleep in. By the time she was up, it was hotter than either of us wanted and she wanted to get a few other things accomplished while in Birmingham that we didn't get to yesterday. No biggie but they didn't leave until mid-afternoon and I really wasn't in the mood for a solo humidity fest or a 7 mile slog on the mill. However, I am always up for speed or intervals, so I checked out my week #2 training to see this on the schedule and subbed the workout. Felt excellent the entire time and while I know I can't make that a regular substitution, it was nice to end the week on a "win, so I'll take it this time.
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